
FENECON Certified Country Partner


See here, in which count­ries FENECON ener­gy sto­rage sys­tems are dis­tri­bu­ted by Cer­ti­fied Coun­try Part­ners. Find the right cont­act per­son in your coun­try. Get in touch with your FENECON Coun­try Partner.

Our valued part­ners in Czech Repu­blic, Swe­den and the Net­her­lands are respon­si­ble for ser­vice and for the dis­tri­bu­ti­on of our pro­ducts in their regi­on. If you want to dri­ve the Ener­gy Jour­ney with FENECON, rely on one of our Coun­try Partners:

BENNEX, Sell­power and NOE Ener­gy Solu­ti­ons, with expe­ri­en­ced cont­act per­sons, pro­vi­de all neces­sa­ry infor­ma­ti­on on our bat­tery ener­gy sto­rage sys­tems with the intel­li­gent ener­gy manage­ment FEMS for resi­den­tal, com­mer­cial and indu­tri­al use.

Push the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on with 100% rene­wa­ble ener­gies. Check the map to find the cont­act details of your FENECON Coun­try Partner!

Meet our Country Partners

Ben­nex pro­vi­des ener­gy sys­tems with high ease of instal­la­ti­on and use, equip­ped with open-source ener­gy manage­ment sys­tem. The pro­ducts are ‘pro­ven tech­no­lo­gy’ and deve­lo­ped by reco­g­nis­ed com­pa­nies. Ben­nex advi­ses and gui­des instal­la­ti­on with a clear cus­to­mer focus.
Learn more

Czech Repu­blic
NOE Ener­gy Solu­ti­ons was foun­ded on the basis of the visi­on of a decen­tra­li­sed ener­gy con­cept, using the bene­fits of intel­li­gent inte­gra­ti­on of pho­to­vol­taic sources with bat­tery ener­gy sto­rage sys­tems. We pro­po­se resi­den­ti­al, com­mer­cial and indus­tri­al ener­gy inde­pen­dence solu­ti­ons. Learn more

Sell­Power is the Swe­dish repre­sen­ta­ti­ve and gene­ral agent for seve­ral brands. We offer cus­to­mi­sed ener­gy sys­tem solu­ti­ons for cus­to­mers in Secu­ri­ty, Tele­com, Mari­ne and Indus­try. We at Sell­Power focus on pro­ducts with the best pos­si­ble qua­li­ty.
Learn more

FENECON International Community

You are interested to get certified as a FENECON Country Partner?

Get in touch with FENECON International

The­re is no FENECON Coun­try Part­ner in your coun­try yet? If you want to sell our pro­ducts for a green future with rene­wa­ble ener­gies in your coun­try and when you are inte­res­ted to beco­me a Cer­ti­fied FENECON Coun­try Part­ner, we look for­ward to recei­ving your e-mail.