FENECON Industrial M

The modu­lar indus­tri­al storage

Compact. Mobile.

The ful­ly modu­lar FENECON Indus­tri­al M is sca­lable from under a hundred kilo­watts to the mul­ti-mega­watt ran­ge. Stan­dar­di­zed 10′ high-cube con­tai­ner units can be fle­xi­bly strung tog­e­ther to crea­te the desi­red sys­tem size.

Key Facts

  • Power*: 92 up to 704 kW

  • Capa­ci­ty: 246 up to 656 kWh


  • High power and ener­gy density

  • Modu­lar, decen­tra­li­zed concept

  • Peak-Shaving: avo­i­ding high power pri­ces and grid expansion**

  • Rea­dy for the Ener­gy Jour­ney of your own: exten­da­ble with FEMS apps

  • Plug & Play instal­la­ti­on on the low-vol­ta­ge grid

  • All-in-one sys­tem with com­pact high-vol­ta­ge bat­tery, inclu­ding ther­mal manage­ment, effi­ci­ent bat­tery inver­ters, intel­li­gent FEMS ener­gy manage­ment and full ser­vice from one manufacturer

  • With optio­nal fire alarm system

* Per­for­mance under stan­dard con­di­ti­ons, per­for­mance may be redu­ced depen­ding on tem­pe­ra­tu­re.
** Pro­ject-spe­ci­fic cus­to­miza­ti­on with stan­dar­di­zed FEMS apps

Transportable - Grid-suitable - Buy or rent

  • Use per­ma­nent­ly or temporarily

  • Indus­try, grid ope­ra­tors, ser­vice sta­ti­ons, power plants

  • Buy or rent (more under ren­tal sto­rage FERESTO)

  • Char­ge with low power, deli­ver power with high power

  • Trans­por­ta­ble with cra­ne and forklift

  • All com­pon­ents acces­si­ble from the outside

  • Enab­ling e-mobi­li­ty in a grid-fri­end­ly way thanks to indus­tri­al sto­rage systems

Network services

Cap load peaks

Optimize own consumption


Avoid grid expansion

Maximum system efficiency


Capa­ci­ty and per­for­mance both in con­tai­ner as well as expan­da­ble by clustering.

Easy to maintain 

All com­pon­ents are easi­ly accessible.

Extreme performance 

On only 7.5 sqm maxi­mum capa­ci­ty and power, air con­di­tio­ning and all power elec­tro­nics, as well as EMS.

Technical data

Loading/unloading capacity 

max. 88 - 704 kW 

Usable battery capacity 

82 - 656 kWh per container 

Operating mode 



Pro­duct war­ran­ty: 5 years, optio­nal­ly 10 years
Capa­ci­ty gua­ran­tee : 10 years or 5,000 cycles¹. 

Container weight 

approx. 5.0 - 9.7 t 

Dimension container (W|D|H)

2,991 | 2,438 | 3,000 mm 

Complete system 

Bat­tery, inver­ter,
Ener­gy manage­ment sys­tem and guarantees
Low vol­ta­ge main dis­tri­bu­ti­on, liquid coo­ling sys­te­m²,
Fire alarm sys­te­m², con­tai­ner housing 

¹ For fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se refer to our war­ran­ty con­di­ti­ons.
² Optio­nal