FENECON Industrial L

The sus­tainable indus­tri­al storage

High power
and energy density

FENECON Indus­tri­al L is the future-pro­of bat­tery sto­rage plat­form for indus­tri­al appli­ca­ti­ons as the basis for grid-ser­ving ener­gy manage­ment. The power sto­rage sys­tem offers high relia­bi­li­ty thanks to decen­tra­li­zed power electronics.

Key Facts

  • Power: 736 kW

  • Nomi­nal capa­ci­ty: 1,288 kWh


  • eak-Shaving: avo­i­ding high power pri­ces and grid expansion*

  • Self-con­sump­ti­on optimization*

  • Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the ener­gy mar­ket: inter­face to various tra­ding ser­vice providers

  • Rea­dy for the Ener­gy Jour­ney of your own: exten­da­ble with FEMS apps

  • Plug & Play instal­la­ti­on on the low-vol­ta­ge grid

  • For out­door use, e.g. at the EV char­ging park or solar park

  • All-in-one sys­tem with com­pact high-vol­ta­ge bat­tery, inclu­ding ther­mal manage­ment, effi­ci­ent bat­tery inver­ters, intel­li­gent FEMS ener­gy manage­ment and full ser­vice from one manufacturer

  • Easi­ly acces­si­ble electronics

  • Trans­por­ta­ble with for­k­lift and crane

*Pro­ject-spe­ci­fic cus­to­miza­ti­on with stan­dar­di­zed FEMS apps.

Transportable - Grid-compatible

  • All com­pon­ents acces­si­ble from the outside

  • Easi­ly acces­si­ble power electronics

  • Trans­por­ta­ble with for­k­lift and crane

  • For out­door use, e.g. at gene­ra­ti­on plants

  • Exter­nal inver­ter rack

Network services

Cap load peaks

Optimize own consumption

Eigenverbrauch optimieren

On the energy market participate

Industrial_Energie- oder Leistungsmärkte

Technical data

Operating mode 

3-pha­se, 400 V 

Nominal frequency 

50 Hz 

Weight battery container 

approx. 10.6 t per unit 

Weight inverter incl.
Optional mounting rack 

approx. 1.1 t per unit 

Dimension battery container

4,600 | 1,700 | 2,966 mm 


Pro­duct war­ran­ty: 10 years
Capa­ci­ty gua­ran­tee: 10 years or 5,000 cycles¹ 

¹For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se refer to our war­ran­ty conditions.