Investor Relations

Invest in FENECON GmbH, the innovation leader for future-proof battery energy storage systems!

Investment opportunity via private placement


Inde­pen­dence is a high prio­ri­ty for us and our moti­va­ted employees.
We have been able to retain our entre­pre­neu­ri­al inde­pen­dence and, thanks to our inno­va­ti­ve strength and loy­al cus­to­mers, have made it into the top 50 fas­test-gro­wing tech­no­lo­gy com­pa­nies in Germany.


New location

Even more sus­taina­bi­li­ty - sup­port­ed by the EU. And that is why we are inves­t­ing in the next open pro­ject that will increase the sus­taina­bi­li­ty of elec­tric vehic­le bat­te­ries even more: With a new pro­duc­tion site for 2nd Life elec­tri­ci­ty sto­rage sys­tems and exten­si­ve EU fun­ding, we are con­sis­t­ent­ly pur­suing this path.

Investor Circle

The offe­ring is a pri­va­te pla­ce­ment. The offer is not inten­ded for ever­yo­ne and is not open to the public. A silent part­ner­ship is only pos­si­ble for a cer­tain, qua­li­ta­tively and quan­ti­ta­tively limi­t­ed group of inves­tors. Poten­ti­al inves­tors are cont­ac­ted from FENE­CON’s net­work on the basis of a per­so­nal approach.

Become part of FENECON and
join us in pushing the energy transition.

FENECON CarBatteryReFactory

Here, e-car bat­te­ries get their second life as power sto­rage units
and can then con­ti­nue to dri­ve for­ward the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on for ano­ther 20 years.

Beco­me a part of FENECON and bring with us
the ener­gy tur­n­around:
100% ener­gy tran­si­ti­on now! Be a part of it.

Do you have ques­ti­ons about FENECON or our pro­ducts for the 100% ener­gy tran­si­ti­on?
We are here for you!