FENECON Home 6, 10 & 15

The modu­lar home ener­gy sto­rage system

Unique. Efficient. Energy transition.


The FENECON Home in the three out­put levels 6/10/15. Available from Q1/2025, can be orde­red from Q4/2024. Fur­ther details can be found here in advan­ce in the pro­duct sheet.

More inde­pen­dence from ener­gy com­pa­nies and high elec­tri­ci­ty pri­ces: The FENECON Home 6, 10 & 15 is the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on sto­rage solu­ti­on for sin­gle-fami­ly and mul­ti-fami­ly homes that adapts to your needs!

More than just a power storage unit

  • Plug and Play assembly

  • intel­li­gent ener­gy manage­ment (FEMS)

  • AI-opti­mi­zed uti­liza­ti­on of dyna­mic elec­tri­ci­ty tariffs 

  • PV-opti­mi­zed inte­gra­ti­on of EV char­ging sta­ti­ons, heat pumps, and immersi­on heaters

  • Fle­xi­ble DC, AC and hybrid inverter

  • 3-pha­se emer­gen­cy power capa­bi­li­ty with solar rech­ar­ge and black start capa­bi­li­ty (chan­geo­ver time < 10 ms)

  • dim­ma­ble accor­ding to §14a of the Ener­gy Indus­try Act (EnWG)

Always in the right size

  • Inte­gra­ted PV input for up to 22.5 kWp and sui­ta­ble for up to three orientations

  • modu­lar­ly expan­da­ble from 8.4 kWh to 156.8 kWh

  • up to 15 kW of power

Electricity flows smartly


grid-friendly charging

Sector coupling can be activated over-the-air


Flexible into the future


Intel­li­gent, lear­ning loa­ding stra­tegy; con­troll­able loads, time-varia­ble elec­tri­ci­ty tariffs; clouds / com­mu­ni­ties / flat rates and much more. easi­ly via OpenEMS.


Can be acti­va­ted at any time and com­bi­ned as desired.

Independent and free 

FEMS can con­nect apps, wall­bo­xes and other hard­ware to the Home via Open­EMS, regard­less of manufacturer.

Secure, self-monitoring, open to the future


FENECON Home works with lithi­um iron phos­pha­te (LFP) bat­te­ries. The­se can­not have “ther­mal runa­way” even when dama­ged due to their cell chemistry.


A sepa­ra­te bat­tery manage­ment sys­tem (BMS) is inte­gra­ted in the bat­tery tower.

  • It moni­tors the bat­te­ries to the second, e.g. the vol­ta­ge of each cell, but also their tem­pe­ra­tures, curr­ents and many other parameters.

  • In case of dan­ger, it swit­ches off the bat­tery inde­pendent­ly to pre­vent cri­ti­cal situations.

  • It is not direct­ly con­nec­ted to the cus­to­mer’s net­work or to the Inter­net for sta­ble com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with the FEMS ener­gy manage­ment system.

Open to the future

New safe­ty stan­dards, mar­ket oppor­tu­ni­ties, and ener­gy saving oppor­tu­ni­ties are made available to the sys­tem via FEMS apps. Buy­ers recei­ve free updates for life and thus always work with up-to-date regulations.


Battery module

Fenecon Home_Batterie
  • Stackable with secu­red contacts

  • Lithi­um iron phosphate

  • Only 29.6 kg - Sin­gle-per­son assem­bly possible

  • Capa­ci­ty gua­ran­tee: 12 years or 6,000 cycles

FEMS box

  • Intel­li­gent, mul­ti­func­tion­al and self-lear­ning ener­gy management

  • Grid-ser­ving self-con­sump­ti­on for hig­her yields and grid-ser­ving behavior

  • Pre­pa­ra­ti­on for sec­tor coupling

  • Open­EMS-based: the lea­ding ener­gy manage­ment standard

Battery management

  • Effi­ci­ent high-vol­ta­ge bat­tery system

  • Self-cont­ac­ting and -parameterizing

  • With char­ge level indi­ca­tor and lay­man-ope­ra­ted safe­ty switch

  • Intel­li­gent balan­cing for long bat­tery life

  • Vol­ta­ge and tem­pe­ra­tu­re moni­to­ring at cell level

The FENECON Home in your home

Thus, more energy flows from the grid with less power.

Technical data

Loading/unloading capacity 

up to 15 kW 

Usable battery capacity 

8,4 -156,8 kWh DC 

Operating mode 


Emergency power 

Emer­gen­cy power capa­ble and solar rech­ar­ging possible 


Pro­duct war­ran­ty: 10 years
Capa­ci­ty war­ran­ty: 12 years or 6,000 cycles¹ 

Complete system 

Bat­tery, Fle­xi­ble DC, AC and Hybrid Inver­ter, Ener­gy manage­ment sys­tem and guarantees 

Max. PV DC power 

Up to 15000 W 

¹ For fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se refer to our war­ran­ty conditions.