FENECON Commercial 92

The effi­ci­ent com­mer­cial bat­tery ener­gy sto­rage system


FENECON Com­mer­cial 92 is a ful­ly modu­lar elec­tri­ci­ty sto­rage sys­tem - the basis for a sus­tainable, eco­no­mic­al ener­gy sys­tem. The sca­lable ener­gy sto­rage solu­ti­on grows with your ener­gy needs.

Key Facts

  • Power: up to 92 kW

  • Capa­ci­ty: 84 to 210 kWh


  • Self-con­sump­ti­on opti­miza­ti­on 2.0 with AI-opti­mi­zed time-of-use tariffs

  • Peak shaving: avo­i­ding high power pri­ces and grid expansion*

  • PV-opti­mi­zed inte­gra­ti­on of elec­tric vehic­le char­ging sta­ti­ons, heat-pumps and hea­ting element*

  • Inclu­ding 3-pha­se sen­sor for the grid-con­nec­tion point

  • Plug & Play assembly

  • All-in-one sys­tem with com­pact high-vol­ta­ge bat­tery, effi­ci­ent bat­tery inver­ter, intel­li­gent FEMS ener­gy manage­ment and full ser­vice from one manufacturer

  • Rea­dy for the Ener­gy Jour­ney of your own: exten­da­ble with bat­tery modu­les and FEMS apps

*FEMS App Self-Con­sump­ti­on Opti­miza­ti­on and FEMS App Grid-opti­mi­zed char­ging included. Fur­ther apps optio­nal. Fur­ther apps optional.

Integrated complete system

Peak shaving


Optimize self-consumption

Avoid grid expansion

Technical data

charging / discharging power 

up to 92 kW 

Usable battery capacity 

84 - 210 kWh 

Operating mode 


Temperature range Installation site 

- 30°C to +60°C


Pro­duct war­ran­ty: 10 years
Capa­ci­ty gua­ran­tee: 12 years or 6,000 cycles 

Dimensions battery tower 

Width | Depth | Height in mm 
506 | 401 | 2,550

Dimension inverter box 

Width | Depth | Height in mm 
500 | 425 | 760 

Complete system 

Bat­tery, bat­tery inver­ter, ener­gy manage­ment sys­tem and warranties 

Cell technology 

Lithi­um iron phos­pha­te (LiFePO4)

¹ For fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se refer to our war­ran­ty conditions.