Auto­ma­tic con­su­mer swit­ching
in case of back-up power

Safe. Room-efficient. Ready-to-use.

The choice is yours! The auto­ma­tic con­su­mer swit­cho­ver extends the alre­a­dy back-up power capa­ble FENECON Home. FENECON AVU pro­vi­des grea­ter com­fort and free­dom of choice of con­su­mers in the event of a power blackout.

Reliable back-up power supply

  • Easy-to-con­nect design

  • Manu­al switch acces­si­ble from outside

  • Rea­dy-to-use

Easy to install - manual switching possible

  • Unin­ter­rupt­ed power sup­p­ly in grid par­al­lel ope­ra­ti­on up to 43 kW/63 A

  • Secu­re sup­p­ly wit­hout high instal­la­ti­on effort, even in case of grid fail­ure (swit­ching time approx. 3 seconds)

  • Inclu­ding inte­gra­ted pro­tec­tion for inver­ter and FEMS box

Technical data

Suitable Grid Types 

TN-S and TT 

Operating mode 


Nominal frequency 

50 Hz 

Switching time 

approx. 3 seconds