Research & Development

The 100% energy transition is a generational task for our society. 

FENECON is actively invol­ved in rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment pro­jects. In this way, we also shape the “Ener­gy Jour­ney” of our cus­to­mers - for at least the next 20 years. They are calm­ly facing the mas­si­ve chan­ges in the ener­gy world. With our future-open plat­form, you are also opti­mal­ly pre­pared for your 100% ener­gy transition.

Dura­ti­on: 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024

OMEI - Open Mobility Electrical Infrastructure 

Data-based con­cept for a holi­stic solu­ti­on approach for sus­tainable elec­tric char­ging infrastructure

The goal of the rese­arch pro­ject is to rea­li­ze a holi­stic solu­ti­on approach for sus­tainable elec­tric char­ging infra­struc­tu­re based on a data-dri­ven con­cept.
The pro­ject goal is also to crea­te a free­ly available data and tool foun­da­ti­on for plan­ning and opti­mi­zing fast char­ging infra­struc­tures. Here, regio­nal rene­wa­ble ener­gy is inte­gra­ted with sus­tainable ener­gy sto­rage in a com­mon con­cept for char­ging infra­struc­tures. In addi­ti­on, a con­cept and frame­work for intel­li­gent bidi­rec­tion­al use of elec­tric vehic­le sto­rage is being developed.

Two demons­tra­ti­on sites (fast char­ging sta­ti­on and hybrid ener­gy sto­rage) are used to coll­ect and inte­gra­te char­ging, user, ener­gy, and traf­fic data. This will result in the deve­lo­p­ment of loca­ti­on-inde­pen­dent ope­ra­ting stra­te­gies as well as eco­no­mic models for fast char­ging sta­ti­ons. Based on ano­ther demons­tra­ti­on sys­tem with a bidi­rec­tion­al char­ging sta­ti­on, tech­ni­cal and eco­no­mic con­cepts are being deve­lo­ped with the help of arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence (AI) for vehic­le-to-grid (V2G) and vehic­le-to-home (V2H) use. Sel­ec­ted part­ners from indus­try and rese­arch are par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the OMEI pro­ject. The con­sor­ti­um includes FENECON the com­pa­nies Cerq (Jena­Bat­te­ries GmbH), HEITEC AG, Mer Ger­ma­ny GmbH, Tech­na­gon GmbH, DiMIS, EVG Strom­netz, EVG Ener­gie pro Vita Genos­sen­schaft eG and Ilzer Lands as well as the rese­arch insti­tu­ti­onsHoch­schule Lands­hut (HAW) with the­Tech­no­lo­gie­zen­trum Ener­gie (TZE) and the­Uni­ver­si­tät Pas­sau with the Chair for Dis­tri­bu­ted Infor­ma­ti­on Sys­tems andFORWiSS. 

Pro­ject Objectives:

  • Site opti­miza­ti­on
  • Low net­work load
  • Sus­tainable ener­gy supply
  • Open Data
  • Sus­tainable mobility

Lauf­zeit: 01.02.2021 - 31.01.2024

CCP - CrossChargePoint

Mul­ti­func­tion­al e-char­ging points: Added value through more functions

The rese­arch pro­ject “CrossChar­ge­Point” inves­ti­ga­tes pos­si­bi­li­ties for char­ging sta­ti­ons with added value for users, cities, muni­ci­pa­li­ties and ope­ra­tor orga­ni­sa­ti­ons. The aim is to sup­port rural are­as in par­ti­cu­lar in redu­cing green­house gas emissions.

E-char­ging sta­ti­ons could theo­re­ti­cal­ly do much more than just char­ge e-vehic­les. They could be valuable buil­ding blocks in a region’s ener­gy manage­ment by addi­tio­nal­ly being used as ener­gy sto­rage: In the event of exces­si­ve ener­gy sup­p­ly, the ener­gy would be con­ver­ted by elec­tro­ly­sis and power-to-gas to also fuel gas- or hydro­gen-powered vehicles.

With CrossChar­ge­Point, a decen­tra­li­sed inter­me­dia­te ener­gy sto­rage net­work could be crea­ted ana­log­ous to lar­ge pum­ped sto­rage power plants at the char­ging sta­ti­ons. In this way, on the one hand, trans­port can be sup­pli­ed with alter­na­ti­ve fuels - elec­tri­ci­ty, gas, hydro­gen - and on the other hand, the local power grid can be sup­port­ed. Fluc­tua­tions in sup­p­ly and demand in the local elec­tri­ci­ty grid would thus be bet­ter absorbed.


Regio­nal requi­re­ments for the reduc­tion of green­house gas emissions

The rese­arch takes into account spe­cial requi­re­ments of dif­fe­rent regi­ons due to dif­fe­rent geo­gra­phi­cal, cli­ma­tic and eco­no­mic con­di­ti­ons. Espe­ci­al­ly in rural are­as with low popu­la­ti­on den­si­ty and limi­t­ed net­work capa­ci­ties, the deve­lo­p­ment of infra­struc­tures for alter­na­ti­ve fuels is a chall­enge. Eco­no­mic effi­ci­en­cy is often ques­tionable when the need for care is limi­t­ed to a few hours per week.

Tech­no­lo­gi­cal chal­lenges
In the rese­arch pro­ject, the tech­no­lo­gi­cal con­cept of a “CrossChar­ge­Point” is being deve­lo­ped. The “CrossChar­ge­Point” com­bi­nes fast char­ging capa­bi­li­ties with ener­gy gene­ra­ti­on, ener­gy car­ri­er con­ver­si­on and sto­rage func­tions. For this pur­po­se, the pro­ject part­ners are deve­lo­ping a sys­tem archi­tec­tu­re as well as the infra­struc­tu­re for data and infor­ma­ti­on exch­an­ge for a regio­nal ener­gy manage­ment sys­tem. Inter­de­pen­den­ci­es that occur bet­ween the ICT sys­tem, the elec­tri­cal grid and the trans­port sec­tor are also taken into account.

Sel­ec­ted part­ners from indus­try and rese­arch are par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the CCP pro­ject, inclu­ding Deg­gen­dorf Insti­tu­te of Tech­nol­go­gy (Ger­ma­ny), AVL List (Aus­tria), Salz­burg Rese­arch For­schungs­ge­sell­schaft mbH (Aus­tria), FENECON GmbH (Ger­ma­ny), Urban Soft­ware Insti­tu­te GmbH (Ger­ma­ny), HyCen­tA Rese­arch GmbH (Aus­tria), ASKI Indus­trie-Elek­tro­nik GmbH (Aus­tria), Livolt Ltd (Isra­el), Yeru­ham Local Coun­cil (Isra­el), Ener­gie Kom­pass GmbH (Aus­tria) and Bwv its GmbH (Switz­er­land).

OpenEMS - Open Source Energy Management System

Open­EMS is a modu­lar plat­form for ener­gy manage­ment appli­ca­ti­ons. The sys­tem is desi­gned to con­trol, moni­tor and inte­gra­te ener­gy sto­rage sys­tems with rene­wa­ble ener­gy gene­ra­tors and com­ple­men­ta­ry devices and ser­vices. The soft­ware is published as open source.

Der Quell­code ist ver­füg­bar unter


Completed research projects

easy-resThe EASY-RES pro­ject will explo­re how to main­tain secu­ri­ty of sup­p­ly of elec­tri­cal ener­gy as power gene­ra­ti­on shifts from con­ven­tio­nal power plants to 100% rene­wa­bles. This chan­ge will also have a major impact on the envi­ron­ment and help sol­ve glo­bal cli­ma­te and ener­gy challenges.

Sel­ec­ted part­ners from six EU count­ries are par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the EASY-RES pro­ject. In addi­ti­on to FENECON, the con­sor­ti­um includes five uni­ver­si­ties (Pas­sau, Thes­sa­lo­ni­ki, Seville, Delft and Lan­cas­ter), three ener­gy pro­vi­ders (Stadt­wer­ke Land­au a. d. Isar, Stadt­werk Hass­furt and Elek­tro Goren­js­ka from Slo­va­kia), the net­work ope­ra­tor ADMIE from Greece and the Zen­trum Digitalisierung.Bayern.

FENECON will con­tri­bu­te tech­ni­cal exper­ti­se on bat­tery beha­vi­or under ste­ady-sta­te and tran­si­ent con­di­ti­ons and on con­trol algo­rith­ms. In addi­ti­on, we will par­ti­ci­pa­te in the deve­lo­p­ment of new sys­tem ser­vices through sto­rage sys­tems and pro­vi­de the neces­sa­ry sto­rage devices in labo­ra­to­ry tests. The open source ener­gy manage­ment Open­EMS ( initia­ted by FENECON ser­ves as the basis for the ener­gy manage­ment and will be fur­ther deve­lo­ped within the project.

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memapThe core objec­ti­ve of the MEMAP pro­ject is to deve­lop and test an open aggre­ga­ti­on plat­form. The plat­form is inten­ded to con­nect seve­ral buil­dings or their local EMSs in order to exploit syn­er­gy effects of the dif­fe­rent demand and pro­duc­tion pro­files. Users should be invol­ved in this pro­cess with the help of intui­ti­ve user inter­faces. A simu­la­ti­on frame­work for test­ing the plat­form will be exten­ded to sup­port the com­plex plan­ning pro­cess. The MEMAP pro­ject reli­es on the use of the estab­lished Buil­ding Infor­ma­ti­on Model (BIM) standard.

In addi­ti­on to FENECON, the com­pa­nies Hols­ten Sys­tems GmbH , Sau­ter-Cumu­lus GmbH , IBDM GmbH and the rese­arch insti­tu­ti­ons for­tiss GmbH, TUM MSE Ener­gy Effi­ci­ent and Smart Cities and the Zen­trum Digitalisierung.Bayern are invol­ved in the MEMAP project.

FENECON brings expe­ri­ence in pro­ject deve­lo­p­ment and rea­liza­ti­on as well as vir­tu­al power plants. FENECON par­ti­ci­pa­tes in the ela­bo­ra­ti­on of the requi­re­ment, deve­lo­p­ment and eva­lua­ti­on of busi­ness models, sys­tem ana­ly­sis and deve­lo­p­ment of the soft­ware platform.

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S6ETIn the inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry pro­ject S6ET, the focus is on the inte­gra­ti­on of ener­gy sto­rage sys­tems in decen­tra­li­zed sup­p­ly con­cepts. The aim of the pro­ject is to deve­lop a spa­tio-tem­po­ral and net­work model that makes it pos­si­ble to search spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for opti­mal loca­ti­ons for dif­fe­rent sto­rage solu­ti­ons (with regard to elec­tri­ci­ty, heat and gas) and to make them available via a brow­ser application.

S6ET takes a regio­nal, decen­tra­li­zed approach and seeks to con­tri­bu­te to the fur­ther sha­ping of the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on towards sus­taina­bi­li­ty through its results.

DirectPVThe goal of the pro­ject is to sup­p­ly elec­tric vehic­les direct­ly and high­ly effi­ci­ent­ly with self-gene­ra­ted solar power throug­hout the year (sum­mer and win­ter) in order to miti­ga­te or, ide­al­ly, com­ple­te­ly avo­id the extre­me loads on the public power grid that ari­se during pri­va­te charging.

Tech­ni­cal­ly, the direct use of solar power is alre­a­dy pos­si­ble, but the cur­rent solu­ti­ons are only effi­ci­ent when the­re is strong sun­light in the sum­mer. When solar radia­ti­on is weak (win­ter, clou­dy ski­es), char­ging effi­ci­en­cy drops to 35% in some cases, which means that two-thirds of the alre­a­dy low solar power gene­ra­ti­on is con­ver­ted unu­sed into heat in this wea­ther. The rese­arch pro­ject aims to sol­ve this pro­blem with spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped power electronics.

2nd life battery storageThe aim of this pro­ject is the deve­lo­p­ment of a con­trol­ling and main­ten­an­ce sys­tem to delay non-line­ar aging pro­ces­ses of 2nd-life bat­te­ries in sta­tio­na­ry sto­rage sys­tems in order to enable an eco­no­mic­al­ly inte­res­t­ing appli­ca­ti­on of the­se sys­tems due to the exten­ded uti­liza­ti­on time. The pro­ject will crea­te a hybrid sto­rage pro­to­ty­pe com­bi­ning 1st- and 2nd-life trac­tion bat­tery packs from elec­tric vehicles.

In addi­ti­on to FENECON, the part­ners include the com­pa­ny BEDM GmbH and the Tech­no­lo­gy Cen­ter Ener­gy (TZE) at Lands­hut Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sciences.

FENECON is respon­si­ble for deve­lo­ping the sys­tem inte­gra­ti­on of the trac­tion bat­te­ries, inclu­ding the intel­li­gent and fle­xi­ble power elec­tro­nics of the 2nd-life hybrid sto­rage sys­tem. Fol­lo­wing this rese­arch pro­ject, FENECON is aiming to mar­ket this sto­rage solu­ti­on, incl. the new sys­tem. of the asso­cia­ted service.

After more than 2 years of inten­si­ve rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment tog­e­ther with our part­ners, we were able to suc­cessful­ly bring the pro­ject results into the field as part of our award-win­ning Indus­tri­al pro­duct range.

emsigDis­tri­bu­ted elec­tri­ci­ty sto­rage sys­tems can make a major con­tri­bu­ti­on to the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on. Howe­ver, the ope­ra­ting methods curr­ent­ly in use usual­ly offer only nai­ve stra­te­gies that take into account only the instanta­neous situa­ti­on behind the elec­tri­ci­ty meter. The aim of the pro­ject is to use inte­gra­ted busi­ness models to tap the gre­at poten­ti­al of sto­rage for both the end user and the dis­tri­bu­ti­on sys­tem ope­ra­tor (DSO). To this end, inno­va­ti­ve char­ging and dischar­ging algo­rith­ms are being deve­lo­ped to opti­mi­ze the self-use of solar ener­gy and the con­trol of varia­ble loads. “Poo­ling” of dis­tri­bu­ted sto­rage fle­xi­bi­li­ty also enables par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the ener­gy mar­ket. In addi­ti­on, an open-data plat­form for anony­mi­zed ener­gy data is being crea­ted to make it publicly available for rese­arch pur­po­ses. The basis of the pro­ject is the open-source ener­gy manage­ment sys­tem Open­EMS (, which is being fur­ther deve­lo­ped as part of the project.

BloGPVBloGPV has set its­elf the goal of enab­ling the eco­no­mic ope­ra­ti­on of pho­to­vol­taic sys­tems in a post-EEG situa­ti­on. As part of Smart Ser­vice World II, many decen­tra­li­zed bat­tery sto­rage faci­li­ties will be united by block­chain tech­no­lo­gy to form a lar­ge-sca­le vir­tu­al sto­rage facility.

A decen­tra­li­zed sto­rage manage­ment with the con­nec­tion of value-added ser­vices as well as the crea­ti­on of sui­ta­ble balan­cing and bil­ling models should enable an eco­no­mic ope­ra­ti­on of PV sys­tems wit­hout feed-in tariffs and thus make a signi­fi­cant con­tri­bu­ti­on to the ener­gy transition.

FENECON arbei­tet hier­zu mit den Pro­jekt­part­nern Deut­sches For­schungs­zen­trum für künst­li­che Intel­li­genz, Dis­co­ver­gy, ener­ci­ty und der TU Ber­lin zusammen.

Zum Pro­jekt­vi­deo!

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